Fundamentals of Camouflage

(Rated 11 times)

At a glance..

This manual is intended to give the company-level leaders an understanding of camouflage principles. In order for our units to survive on the battlefield, they must be well versed in camouflage concepts and techniques.

The details..

FM 20-3 is a field manual released by the United States Department of the Army in 1990. The purpose of this document is to provide guidance on how to use camouflage effectively for military operations. This includes information about counterdetection techniques, detection factors (such as shape, shadow, color and texture), site selection principles and methods for concealing units or equipment.

The manual also provides details about threat data collection processes used by enemy forces that could be encountered during combat missions. This includes organization structure information regarding troops in motorized rifle regiments or maneuver divisions; sensor systems used by adversaries; operational patterns which should be avoided; movement minimization tactics; decoy usage strategies; realistic camouflage application procedures based on visual sensors near infrared (NIR) sensors etc.; and more.

This book serves as an important reference guide for personnel involved in active duty service with regards to improving their safety through effective camoflauge practices. It contains detailed instructions regarding how soldiers can avoid being detected while out on patrol or conducting raids against enemies.

Overall FM 20-3 offers comprehensive advice related to camouflaging oneself when engaging in military operations so that one may increase their chances of survival while deceiving adversaries at the same time.

Resource Info

Page count: 81
Size: 908kb
File Type: pdf


Survival Skills
Defensive Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
Time Available
Finances Available